Save Money & Increase Your Bottom Line

Would you like to lower your employee costs? Outsource your legal nursing needs and SAVE MONEY.

An average legal nurse working in house makes (OR SHOULD MAKE) an average of $70,000/year. However, if she is an employee, it is costing YOU an extra 18-26% depending on the benefit package. So, your average in house legal nurse is costing you on average $88,000!!

Here is a question that we frequently hear:

Why would you outsource to Gonsman Group?

There are 10 great reasons to outsource to Gonsman Group:

  1. We charge a flat hourly fee for review. You are only paying us when we are working for you.
  2. You save a lot of the typical employee costs! You pay us NO medical benefits, NO retirement package, NO employee taxes, and NO other costs associated with hiring staff.
  3. We are everywhere.We do cases across the country and are familiar with many state guidelines and regulations. We are “nurses without borders.”
  4. We can help request medical records. By having our experts do the requesting, you can do the tasks that you are good at doing, like research, litigation, and filings!
  5. We can organize, tab Bates stamp, and scan the record. If electronic, we will bookmark and index the record for ease of reference. You will no longer be ‘searching for the files or reports.’
  6. We can do a review for merit and guide you to the CORRECT experts. For example, I had a terrific attorney, but he insisted on a Triage nurse for an ER case. I was able to explain that Triage? was the job of every nurse in an ER. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE A GONSMAN GROUP LEGAL NURSE REVIEW YOUR CASE BEFORE SEEKING EXPERTS.
  7. We can do an in depth case analysis that you can utilize throughout the entire litigation process. Our job is not done at the start of the process; we are there to support you throughout the process – from start to end!
  8. We have access to HUNDREDS of nurses in all types of specialties. For example, if your in-house legal nurse has an ICU/ER background, she may not be the best person to review a labor and delivery case for merit. We at Gonsman Group have nurses of all subspecialties ready and willing to review cases.? (Disclaimer: Any Gonsman Group nurse can review any type of case, but we always try to match specialties.)
  9. At Gonsman Group, we are pioneers in the audit trail and electronic health record field. We understand the audit trail and electronic health record. We even do LIVE REVIEWS.
  10. We can find and actually BE experts for you. Since we are not employees, we can actually serve as expert witnesses.

CALL US AT 814-515-2926 OR E-MAIL US using the form on the right for more information, or to discuss your legal nursing needs.

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